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Mushin Dao

PDR Self Defense

RAD Self Defense





Life Skills



Awareness & Avoidance:

The best form of self defense is to always exercise awareness and avoidance. Cultivate your inner and outer awareness by learning to trust your built-in intuition, and develop the ability to avoid dangerous situations by following your natural common sense. Through awareness and avoidance you will certainly enhance you personal safety; in fact, you will probably never encounter many of the things that you other wise might have.

Body Language:

The way you carry yourself physically can prevent an attack from even happening. During a physical confrontation it is extremely important not to become overly passive or to get hyper-active (i.e. wild body movements). Be confident, calm and controlled in appearance.


Learn to tap into correct breathing. We give away a lot our energy and centeredness by holding our breath or breathing rapidly. Correct breathing (into lower abdomen) will help the whole body to stay relaxed and calm so that we may better manage the fear and adrenaline that wants to shut the body down. This directly affects our mental clarity and ability to be in-tune with the situation so that we can choose the most appropriate response.

Eye Contact:

When confronted by someone it is important to look right at them. This will show the attacker that you are not willing to be a victim or an easy target. Looking into someone's eyes is confronting to them, they see your confidence and may have second thoughts about their motives.

Verbal Interaction:

Don't be overpowered by what the attacker may be saying, yet don't be antagonistic toward them either. Remember you are trying to diffuse the situation. Speak assertively and confidently. Try to redirect the person's aggressions by not reacting to what they are saying. Stay calm by breathing deeply, and allow your instincts to chose the most appropriate response for the situation.

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